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Story of Photographer

 A guy, who loved photographs and photography, and he began taking his own photos when he was 12 years old. Even at an early age, he seemed to have an eye for interesting subjects and content, and a talent for getting a well framed image in sharp focus. With professional tips and Tricks.  

As he got older, he continued to take photos, and as his cameras got better and more advanced, he got better at taking better quality photos, as he shot lots of frames and his skills improved with many hours of practice.

For an amateur, he was really doing quite well with his photography, and on the way to doing even better.

But then it happened… The amateur photographer met and fell in love with a wonderful woman, who was also a professional photographer, and working as a photo editor. Now you might think that after joining together with his much more experienced and skilled professional photographer lover, that the amateur photographer would learn a great deal from her, and he would become a much better photographer.

But instead, he got lazy… While it’s true that he loved her dearly and treated her like a Queen, he also got into the bad habit of letting her take all the photos when they went places together. He figured that since she was the pro, that she should take their photos, since she was clearly the better photographer. And… there was also this little voice in his head, which he should have never listened to, which said:

‘Photography is cool, but it’s also hard work, and concentrating on taking good photos takes some of the fun out of the overall experience of being in cool places and doing fun things – So let her do the work and take the photos, while you relax and enjoy being in the bigger picture of being there in person, and taking it all in without the distractions of taking pictures.’

So the promising amateur photographer let his professional photographer lover take most of the photos when they were together, and he ended up taking far fewer photos of his own. He let himself get lazy, and eventually he got lazy enough to become a former amateur photographer. And this was an unfortunate development.

There were times when his inspiration would return, and he would go on a binge of photographic activity. His photos were approaching the level of good quality work again, but then he’d lose his momentum and go back to being lazy, as he let the woman who was now his wife, take most of their photos.

His marriage thrived, since fortunately he wasn’t lazy in other ways, and he truly adored his wife. He held up his end of the bargain to maintain a loving and happy relationship, and he worked hard to give them a good life together.

But as the years passed, his own photography remained seldom practiced and sporadic. And this is where I stop writing in the third person and get to the point.

In an effort to no longer be a lazy and inactive amateur photographer, I want to post some of my own favorite photographs here, and maybe this will inspire me to get off my butt and take pictures again on a consistent and disciplined basis. Maybe I’ll become a good amateur photographer again, and I’ll create new and better photographs, the way that I used to do, before I turned lazy.

My photo selection here won’t be based only on images with the very best technical quality, but also on photos that have some genuine meaning for me, as a part of my life experience.

Next part coming soon

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